Paleomission: In Search of the Ancient Sloth

Paleomission: In Search of the Ancient Sloth

A prehistoric mystery

One of the greatest paleontological mystery is the disappearance of the megafauna at the end of the most recent glacial period, about 11,000 years ago. Was it climate change or the impacts of human activity that dealt the final death blow? Even with decades of research, the mystery still remains.

Scientists from Bishop’s University in Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada) and the Cuban Museum of Natural History in Havana (Cuba), in collaboration with other institutions, are trying to answer these questions through their study of extinct animal remains found in a submerged cave, Cueva Margarita 1, located in the west of Cuba.

Dive with them into the heart of underwater caves and follow their work, step by step.

An exhibition produced by:




Cover © Joao Gabriel Martínez López
Album © Jill Heinerth





  • Ideal space: 750 sq. ft.
  • 7 ft. ceiling height



Nancy Guillette
Development Coordinator
[email protected]
T. 819 564-3200 ext. 226



  • Musée minéralogique et minier de Thetford Mines, QC – February 6 to July 4 2021
  • Centre d’exposition Marie-Fitzbach, Saint-Georges, QC – September 2 to November 14 2021
  • Museum of Northern British Columbia, Prince-Rupert, BC – March 4 2023 to January 10 2024

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