
About us

In the fall of 2002, after more than 120 years of a mission of promoting conservation and awareness of the natural sciences in a scholastic environment, the seminary museum, the Musée du Séminaire de Sherbrooke, became the Sherbrooke Museum of Nature and Science. The new building that houses it, the former Julius Kayser hosiery plant, overlooks the Magog river gorge flowing rapidly below. All of these assets combine to create a compelling public space in the heart of the downtown core.

A winner of several awards in the fields of tourism and culture, the Museum offers a diversity of products such as field trips, conferences, parties for children, a shopping boutique, the nature counter and more.

Working tirelessly to carry out its many projects since the creation of the Museum, our team of professionals focuses on the quality and originality of its services.

Consult the Museum history (Bulletin 130 years)

For more information, please consult the donor folder about sustainable alliances – Le musée et ses donateurs – Une alliance durable, carried out by Réseau Info-Muse de la SMQ, the Québec network of museums.


Inspire, awaken and render accessible to everyone the discovery of nature, sciences and the richness of our collections from our natural heritage.


Passionate and inspired by a constant desire for engagement and innovation to expand the interest in nature and the sciences for everyone, we seek to become the definitive leader in Canada for planning and building exhibitions.


Creativity – Passion – Cooperation – Openness – Rigor


By donating to the Museum, you are collaborating in the organization’s stand-alone funding. We need donations to fulfill our mission and to develop new projects for you!

Thank you for your generous support!


Board of Directors

A not-for-profit organization, the Museum is managed by a Board of Directors made up of volunteers who are all members of the Museum. In 2017, the Museum welcomed more than 40,000 visitors and its travelling exhibits were seen across Canada and in the United States. It was certified ‘’Qualité Tourisme’’ by Québec’s Minister of Tourism because of the excellence of its services. The Museum is also guided by an overall policy of sustainable development which is on-going.

Marie-Claude Lyonnais

Nicolas Beaudet

Nicolas Michaud



Maggie Roy
Board member

Hannah Williams
Board member

Sylvain Beauséjour
Board member



Mélissa Bezeau
Board member

Céline Blais
Board member

Christian-Yves Côté
Board member


Michelle Bélanger, general manager and conservator, has actively contributed to the development and visibility of the Museum since 2016. Under her direct leadership are the departments representing communications, development, financial resources, exhibit development and conservation.

The programming, welcoming and public relations departments are led by Raphaël BédardChartrand. Histeam of about 10 persons ensures the welcome and animation activities of the Museum.

Material resources are handled by Éric Graillon and his team of three persons.

In total, we boast a team of some 25 passionate and creative employees who collectively contribute to the development of activities and exhibits that make the Sherbrooke Museum of Nature and Science an enormous tourism attraction from all over the Eastern Townships.

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