Teens: Creative Minds
2022 was the 100th anniversary of Joseph-Armand Bombardier’s “first invention”. On New Year’s Eve 1922, when he was 15 years old, he tested his first true invention, a vehicle capable of driving on snow. One hundred years later, the Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier (MIJAB) wants to celebrate this stroke of ingenuity. It also wants to highlight the creativity that inspired several young Canadians who put their own mark on history, as well as others who are paving the way of the future. One example is the Quebecer Jean Saint-Germain, who at 16 years old, invented the Playtex baby bottle, and Alexander Deans from Windsor, Ontario, who at 12 years old invented iAid, a device that allows blind people to navigate obstacles.
The exhibition is showcasing the difference between invention and innovation, one creating a new system or new procedure, the other corresponding to improving something already in existence. Bilingual and with a surface area of 1,300 to 2,000 ft2, it featurs inventors across time, old technologies to recent innovations, highlighting the stunning creative capacity of teenagers. It highlights the context that drives them to create, their determination, and the importance of believing in yourself and your ideas. The exhibit showcases their resourcefulness using a creative process.
In modules, the exhibition presents a collection of items while integrating images, video clips, and interactive devices. Supported by an educational program, it contributes to completing MIJAB’s mission, which is To keep the legacy of Joseph Armand Bombardier alive as a source of inspiration for future generations. Designed to reach a larger audience and meet the needs of school groups and families, its primary focus is teenagers.
© photos : Claudine Chaussé
- Ideal space: 2,000 square feet
- 8 feet ceiling
Nancy Guillette
Development Coordinator
[email protected]
T. 819 564-3200 x 226
- Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier, Valcourt, QC
April 7 2022 to March 6 2023 - Bruce County Museum, Southampton, ON
April 7 2022 to March 6 2023 - Centre d’exposition d’Amos, Amos, QC
November 10 2023 to January 7 2024 - Museum of Northern BC, Prince-Rupert, BC
January 27 to April 7 2024 - Museum of Surrey, BC
April 23 to August 4 2024 - Musée de la civilisation, Québec, QC
February 26 to Septembre 1st 2025 - Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke, QC
September 26 2025 to January 6 2026 - Resurgo Place, Moncton, NB
January 26 to April 26 2026