Frankenstein… and chimeras

19 October 2019 - 9h00 to 17h00
20 October 2019 - 9h00 to 17h00
26 October 2019 - 9h00 to 17h00
27 October 2019 - 9h00 to 17h00

Did you know that Frankenstein, a fictional character, gave birth to a being made of several pieces of dead corpses? Is there any science behind this monster thing? Come and make a foray into the realm of fantasy patched creatures and chimeras. The activity itself is a hybrid between science and fantasy, composed of different parts: a monstrous presentation, a creative workshop and observation challenges. Hou ! Hou !



Cost: Activity included in regular pricing, free for members. Suitable for families.
Duration: About 45 min.
Time: In continuous.

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