Inspiring Nature, Inspired Techno, biomimicry in transports

Biomimetism invites us to reconnect with our innate need to live in harmony with nature. The word comes from “bios” meaning “life” and “mimesis” meaning “to imitate”. This discipline is based on observations of forms, processes and systems to imitate the genius of nature and offer innovative paths to solutions.

When dreamers, creators and researchers observe nature and draw inspiration from it, all kinds of promising concepts, fascinating ideas and inspirational projects come to light.

This is a unique occasion to discover nearly thirty nature specimens and technological objects presented in a dynamic way by ten principles drawn from nature and applied to means of transportation.

A production of theMusée de l’ingéniosité J. Armand Bombardier in collaboration with the Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke and the Zoo de Granby with the contributions of Patrimoine canadien and the Fondation J. Armand Bombardier.

Immerse yourself in fascinating exhibits that reveal the mysteries of our planet and the universe around us. Discover rare specimens, stunning reconstructions and interactive experiences that will arouse your curiosity and stimulate your mind.

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