The domino effect, my little bunny!

Event presented for Easter and le Jour de la Terre

19 April 2019 - 9h00 to 17h00

Do you know the domino effect? It is when a small change provokes another one nearby, which provokes another, and another, and another, and another… It is powerful! Spreading change using this effect can lead to spectacular, even unexpected, results!

From April 19 to 22, come participate in the domino effect by sowing seeds of capuchins that will attract pollinating insects. You can even take them home.

A flower, pollen, BEES! Follow the pollen’s path to understand its importance.

We are waiting for you! You can also develop domino circuits, have fun decorating them and take part in a collective work.

Easter, just like spring, is rebirth and a return to life! BzZz!

Cost: Activity included in regular pricing, free for members. Suitable for families
Presentation every hour!

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